
Showing posts from September, 2022

Innovative work

Concept map

 Concept Map This assignment contains a concept map for Plus One and Plus Two students, based on the units, Words And Deeds and Heights Of Harmony respectively.


 We came to the end of second phase teaching practice. This teaching practice brought a lot of change in my teaching process.  By the time teachers from our college came for observation and gave us suggestions to improve in some area. I focused on my weak points and tried to improve my best. I built a good relationship with my students and also with other students in the school. Teachers were very friendly and they tanked us for our valuable service. They  gave as the position of teacher more than a teacher trainee. We also celebrated onam in our school. It was time to say a big goodbye to my dear students.

Weekly reflection

 19/8/2022 This week we celebrated Independence day on 15 August. The school celebrated Independence day and various programs were conducted. The school conducted Independence day rally, patriotic song, Speech, Flag hosting and also sweets were distributed to students. As teachers trainee we also had roles and responsibilities. Duties were assigned to us. We did our duty with full responsibility. 

Weekly reflection 6

 12/8/2022 This week the school conducted PTA meeting. All the parents were requested to attend the PTA meeting. The students performance were analysed. The parents were given a thorough idea about the level of students.Some parents approached the teacher trainees to know about the feedback of the students. We could give a good feedback of the students.Students were well prepared for the mid sem examination.

Weekly reflection 5

5/8/2022 We completed the one month of our teaching practice. By this time i  learn the functioning of the school. How  teaching and nin teaching staff work together for the betterment of school and students . How they manage the time and  move with the syllabus. Students management is a difficult task when it comes to govt school. Students create lots of problems which can affect the school System. All such things should be analysed and controlled carefully. The scholl conducted a number of seminar sessions and counselling to help the children with their character modification.Seminars were also conducted in relation to anti - drugs. Anti -drugs day was celebrated. Flash mob and oath was taken by students.

Weekly reflection 4

29/6/2022  This is the 4th week of teaching practice. This week the school conducted monthly examination. Students were in the preparation of examination. Revision classes had to be taken. Doubt were cleared. Students had to prepared well for examination. Examination duty was alloted for teacher trainee. Each one of us was alloted with a class. We had to keenly observe students to avoid malpractice. Students seating arrangement should be checked. Question paper distribution and collection according to the roll no. were the duties assigned. To was a first experience for me as well as my colleague.

Weekly reflection 3

 22/7/2022 This is the third week of teaching practice. By the third week I could make a drastic change in my teaching process. Claases were handled well. Students interaction was high. Students cooperated well. Many other duties were also assigned to us. We had to manage other classes in the absence of a teacher. School conducted many other co - curricular programs this week. One such program is celebration of space exploration day. Quiz competition was conducted related to this and a video presentation was also there in the assembly hall

Weekly reflection 2

 15/7/2022 This is the second week of my teaching practice by this time I learn so many things from my teaching practice. It was like a challenge before me because the students in front me are different from each other. So i had to take effort to make them understand what i teach. I came to know my students well. I understood their week area in English and many other things. Class were taken daily. Points were discussed. Difficult wors meanings, question and answer were discussed. Activities were given. School also conducted counselling section for each students that week

Weekly reflection 1

  I started my second phase of teaching practice  On july 6 2022. The school opted for the teaching practice was Govt Hogh school Karikakkom. Me along with 3 teacher trainees were allotted there. I had to teach English for class 8th students. Day one we reached the school met the HM and collected necessary details including timetable syllabus and textbook. We met the concerned teachers. They gave us necessary instructions and other rules and regulations related to school. We had assembly every monday ane Wednesday. The assembly include prayer song,pledge, Thought of the day, news reading, special programs and finally HM message. It was a different experience for me.