Types of intelligence

Why are some children better in sports, others in math,and other better at reading , playing an instrument ?

The answer is simple : Each child has her/ her own motivation and talents.This is conclusion reached by Harvard University neuropsychologist and educator Howard Gardener in his book Frames of Mind : The Theory of Multiple Intelligence.

Eight types of Intelligence

The research carried out identifies the existence of areas in the himhu brain that correspond to certain spaces of knowledge,all of which are distinct and relatively independent of each other.Here are the eight types of intelligence explained

1. Logical - mathematical Intelligence

There problem- solving ability is very striking and is often related to a type of non- verbal .children with this type of intelligence are good at solving problems, puzzles and logic exercise. 

2. Linguistic Intelligence

Children with this type of intelligence are skilled and have preference for activities sucj as reading, talking, writing poems etc.

3. Spatial Intelligence

This type of Intelligence show patterns that prove the kids capacity to think in three dimensions.people who develop spatial intelligence are good at solving problems such as drawing and painting, reading map etc.

4. Musical Intelligence

It is a typical of children with an innate ability to learn different sounds,whi wh translates into a great ability to sing, listed to music,play instrument etc. 

5. Bodily- kinesthetic Intelligence

It is the ability to use the whole body in the expression of ideas and feelings and the facility in the use of the hands to transform elements.Children are good at dancing , acting ,playing sports etc.

6. Intrapersonal  Intelligence

It distinguishes those who know themselves best.These children like to work independently set goals and focus on achieving them, understand their feelings and know their strengths and weaknesses.

7. Interpersonal Intelligence 

It is common among kids that are good at talking ,work in team, helping others, mediating conflicts and meeting new people.

8. Naturalistic Intelligence

Related to the attraction towards environmental issues, plants and animals. people with this kind of intelligence enjoy nature activities.  
